Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ode to Buckminster Fuller


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Alex original

Bo Peep 
Gotta Sleep
Upon her sleepy sheepies

When she wakes
Eat corn flakes
And glad to see da mornin'

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Subtle Doctor

Scotus is to Analogous Being
As nuance is to a hammer,
As diplomatic is to fleeing,
And as delicate is to a Pog slammer.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Duck-Rabbit

Wittgenstein in his Investigations Philosophical
Brings up a figure quite zoological.

He asks what animal could this misfit be
A mallard facing left or a right facing bunny?

But Ludwig what if there are to be two
How can we know, what can we do?

Either this is a rabbit standing behind a ducks back,
Or a duck telling a rabbit how to save with Aflac.

Or rather a line of rabbits at the DMV,
Or a chorus of ducks singing slightly off key.

The problems persist if we keep on adding
From three to four the problem is maddening.


And what happens when the heads are turned
Seriously Ludwig what have we learned?

Answer, your whole philosophical discourse
is just a prelude to the duck-head-horse.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

On the Mek

Two white guys, living with the Mek
Were honored with the penis gourd
They said, ah, what the heck
And they donned the piece and the cord
But after a short uphill trek
The chaffing could not be ignored
Said one, I'm a bit put off by the koteka,
But what do you have for a size ten cloaca?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

λόγος vs. Logic

[(iff λόγος = logic) -> (this would seem to say)]:

"((We're really off topic) -> (( it's λόγος) v (logic any given day)))".